Amaya Tasker is a Sydney based counsellor, therapist, coach and clinical supervisor.

Meet Amaya Tasker

“Helping you make a positive change in your life. Imagine what that could look like?”

— Amaya Tasker

General Information

Counsellor, Therapist, Coach and Clinical Supervisor

Days: T, W

Cost: $250 (No Medicare)

Provider with BUPA, Medibank Private and SIRA (State Insurance Regulatory Authority) for Workers Compensation NSW

  • Adult - Individuals

  • ACA Counsellors for Supervision

    PTSD, Trauma, Addiction, Anxiety, Depression, Behaviour Change, Workplace Bullying, Phobias, Adjustment to Change, Burn Out

Style of Therapy

Straight talking but kind. Using a flexible approach whilst being collaborative with unique, holistic treatment planning.

Modalities: EMDR, Imaginal Exposure Therapy, Parts, Cognitive Behavior Therapy, Solution Focused, Positive Psychology, Goal Setting

Things You & Amaya Might Address:

Identifying what is causing or affecting a change in mood or behavior. Skills building to improve well being and self. Positive change to form new habits and adjusting to change.

Counsellor, Therapist, Coach

What Amaya’s About

Amaya founded Positive Minds Network to help people make positive changes in their lives. Amaya came to Australia, from the UK to watch the Rugby 2003 world cup. Having spent the first part of her career in consumer data, way before it became sexy, there was a genuine interest and curiosity about people and their behavior. Which led to further study and passion to working with real people and helping them understand their behaviors and promote change.

Bracing fears of change in career Amaya has also experience big changes of ex-pat life in different countries and continents. UK – Singapore – Australia.

A keen cook and dog lover. The kitchen floor is always spotless.


Bachelor in Counselling (Coaching)

Clinical ACA Member, level 3

Clinical ACA Supervisor

EMDR Masterclass Therapist

Amaya has membership in the following Psychology peak bodies